ACOUSICKROOM是一間於香港本地成立已經超過十年的結他維修專門店,始創人CARL畢業於美國製琴學校Galloup School of Guitar Building and Repair,後來再師承美國結他維修大師Dan Erlewine ,更是少數上過StewMac youtube channel 的亞洲人,也是第一位用製琴師身分參加日本大阪Sound Messe樂器展的香港人。現在主理維修師傅ERIC更加青出於藍,除了盡得CARL真傳外,更加非常了解大家在錄音及表演時所需。在本店,不論你的木結他,電結他,低音電結他甚至mandolin和ukulele都肯定會得到專業的維修或升級服務。CARL更加在台灣開設“32吉他工作室”, 以後大家就可以訂製高水準的手工木結他。
ACOUSICK ROOM is a guitar lutherie and repair shop in Hong Kong. Our repairmen Carl and Eric provide repair services for all kinds of acoustic guitars, electric guitars, basses, mandolins and even ukuleles. The chief luthier and repairman, Carl graduated from the Galloup School of Guitar Building and Repair in the United States. Learning from internationally acclaimed guitar repair master, Mr.Dan Erlewine, has taken Carl's skills to the next level in the guitar repair world. Carl was even lucky enough to be the first Asian to take part in the StewMac youtube channel. He was also the first Hong Kong luthier who showcased his builds in the Osaka Sound Messe in Japan. Eric has inherited all the repair skills from Carl and he is known for his expertise in studio recording and guitar performance. In this connection, he can always make professional recommendations to gear up your equipment. You can definitely feel our passion and love when you bring your guitars over to our shop.
ACOUSICK ROOM is a guitar lutherie and repair shop in Hong Kong. Our repairmen Carl and Eric provide repair services for all kinds of acoustic guitars, electric guitars, basses, mandolins and even ukuleles. The chief luthier and repairman, Carl graduated from the Galloup School of Guitar Building and Repair in the United States. Learning from internationally acclaimed guitar repair master, Mr.Dan Erlewine, has taken Carl's skills to the next level in the guitar repair world. Carl was even lucky enough to be the first Asian to take part in the StewMac youtube channel. He was also the first Hong Kong luthier who showcased his builds in the Osaka Sound Messe in Japan. Eric has inherited all the repair skills from Carl and he is known for his expertise in studio recording and guitar performance. In this connection, he can always make professional recommendations to gear up your equipment. You can definitely feel our passion and love when you bring your guitars over to our shop.
Carl was honoured to be a Hong Kong luthier to showcase his handmade guitars in the Osaka Sound Messe in Japan.